function order(words){
  var array = words.split(' ');
  var result = array.slice();

  for (word in array) {
    for (var i = 0; i < array[word].length; i++) {
       if (!isNaN(array[word][i])) {
         result[array[word][i] - 1] = array[word]
   }return result.join(' ');

To get code highlighted in jekyll, you need to check 3 things:

  1. the highlighter and the markdown processors are correctly configured in _config.yml
  2. your code block is correctly formatted.
  3. the generated html files have access to a CSS highlighting-syntax style rules

1. Highlighter and the markdown processors configuration

As of jekyll 3.0, Kramdown as the Markdown engine, and Rouge as the syntax highlighter. are the default jekyll setting, and the only setting supported by github pages.

So you can safely remove their related setting, or set it at _config.yml as follows:

# Conversion
markdown:    kramdown
highlighter: rouge

# Markdown Processors
  input: GFM
  auto_ids: true
  syntax_highlighter: rouge

2. Code block

A code block can be started by using four spaces or one tab and then the text of the code block

kramdown docs

for fenced code block you can use ~~~ or ``` the github way with Github Flavored Markdown parser Kramdown::GFM (the default one).

You can also wrap the code in {%highlight javascript%}... {%endhighlight%} blocks.

3. Code highlighting style:

the generated html file should have access to some CSS code-highlighting rules. that depends on the theme that you’re working with.

One way to do so, is to have a code-highlighting style rules defined in the main css file, then include that file in the html head of the default layout.

define the CSS code-highliting rules

Make sure that the main CSS file, (located at /assets/css, and usually named main.scss or style.scss) has some code highlight CSS rules defined, either explicitly defined there, or by importing a file (scss, sass, or less) that contains the CSS rules.

for a quick check, I’ve putted some scss code-highlighting themes in this repo

  • clone sass-code-highlight repo
  • put sass-code-highlight folder inside the sass directory (by default: _sass)
  • inport the code-highlight to the main css file

in assets/css/main.scss add the following:

@import "sass-code-highlight/monokai"; // 'monokai' as example

include the Main CSS in the HTML HEAD

you need to have the sinppet bellow in the default layout (_layouts/default.html)

  <!-- head stuff-->

  <!-- CSS -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/css/main.css"> <!-- IMPORTANT -->

either directly, or by including a head.htmlfile - defined in _includes directory - into it, as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  {% include head.html %} <!--  <- include the head -->
  {{ content }}

Note: make sure that the href="css/path/" is valid. e.g {{site.baseurl}} is croectly setted